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Ceramic Artist  
Allison Marion Earthpoet Peel
Seattle, Washington - USA 
 I am ecstatic to be selling again at Pike Place Market in the North Arcade crafts market day stalls, centrally located in downtown Seattle, near the big viewing deck there which overlooks the waterfront! The sales table I typically choose at Pike Place is located on or near the Desimone Bridge. Walk in through the large entrance at the base of Stewart Street.
Our home, including my studio has been completely rebuilt and renovated following a devastating house fire in February of 2020.  Would you like to come by for a tour? You could see the ducks and have a cup of tea with me!  I am hoping to get pottery classes up and running this summer. Please also find my Facebook and Instagram pages, both under
Dark Duck Clay Shop. There may be more current pictures of my work posted on
those social media sites.

  Ceramic art by Allison Peel is created using a variety of methods. It is hand-built, thrown, press-molded, stamped, and slip cast, and methods are often used in combination to create unique, uplifting, durable, collectable and affordable art.


Here at Dark Duck Clay Shop, ceramic art is created in the company of one Black Cayuga, and two Welsh Harlequin ducks: Adhira, Sierra, and Dharma. We are getting lots of eggs from these beautiful girls! 2018 and 2019 were focused on expanding and upgrading the work areas outside the shop to create an outdoor studio. Then in 2020 our house caught fire, and we spent the entirety of the pandemic rebuilding! This home and workshop is a 25 min. drive south east of downtown Seattle. Knowledge of permaculture and alternative construction methods are used as we develop our studio and gardens. The outdoor workshop areas are designed to accommodate sculpting with cement, hypertufa, natural plaster and cob projects as well as ceramic art. We have completed a lovely floor for Project Decadome just before the fire. Fortunately the dome was unscathed. This 14 foot diameter geodesic dome will be used as a library, studio, and meditation space. We're doing tests with natural plasters and pumice-crete, and closing in on a draping system to make a hard shell covering for the dome. The floor was constructed with salvaged tongue and groove knotty pine planks laid in a beautiful pentagon! Then finished with poured concrete. It's an experimental shelter for the exploration of the use of various earthen and cementitious sculptural media, in particular blends that are low intensity, leave a light ecological footprint, and adhere to design aesthetics based on recyclable and reusable construction materials. Despite being made partially out of cement, this dome is designed for the ability to deconstruct if it ever needs to be moved. Art, home, and workshop reflect and express the values rooted in walking the Peaceful Path and honoring the ethics of Sustainable Growth. Ocean life, forest creatures and the unique textures and forms of living things are favorite subjects. Cosmic and ancient symbols, the preservation of life and biodiversity, Earth our Mother, Shambhala Buddhism, and multicultural community are the contemplative values and teachings which inspire us forward. Project Decadome is an evolving experimental sculpted shelter and is researched and built hands-on and from the ground-up while we all gain knowledge of sacred geometry inherent in its 10 sided footprint. Please contact DDCS using the above tab if you are interested

in being involved in workshops or would like to come by for a tour, or if you would like to find out when I will next be selling at Pike Place..


Allison's vitrified ceramic art is fired in electric kilns to 2,300 degrees F.  Unique hand formulated and blended-in-studio glazes in a contrasting array of vivid and subtle colors, are dipped, brushed, and poured. A full range of surface effects are represented- tinted clears, opaque, matte & gloss.





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